I finally finished my mind movie and uploaded it.
More importantly I ticked off the items in my To Do list and finally finished something. Kudos to me for that.
I had no idea it would take so long. In some ways it seems like every step I take is hugely time consuming and for every hour I spend on this project I then have to go off and spend eight hours working. I’m very grateful for my job and the way it pays the rent and all, but I really resent all the time it takes me away from my own projects.
I played the movie for a friend of mine yesterday. Her response was “very nice” which was kind of an anticlimax since it was really difficult to share something so personal.
Apparently it’s all well and good to create this stuff but if people actually read or view it, well that’s just plain scary.
I possibly should have thought this through a little better. It’s a little difficult to remain anonymous if you use your name as your domain. Duh!
And, lets be serious, I’ve been trying for years to be successful without actually taking any risks and so far its just not working out for me. Time to try something different.
Its still creepy though.
– These are GREAT! I especially love the one of the liltte boy with his legos, I can totally relate to that one as my liltte guy is also a lover of Lego. Your black and white conversion is to die for