I don’t know what I was expecting to happen going on a driving holiday after all that’s been going on this last year.
I am totally exhausted.
I tend not to sleep very well at the best of times but when away from home it’s even worse.
I spent much of today sleeping or lying around. I did do some stuff but fairly quickly flagged.
We did look at a house that we may buy. It’s a lot smaller than we had originally planned but over our break we discussed what it is that we’re truly about here and the answer is travel. We want to travel. Overseas and in Australia. There are so many places we want to go and we want to go now!
The idea being spend less on the house so we have more disposable cash to save and for those weekend trips away.
The house we looked at was livable rather than amazing. The condition appears to be good. The gardens are crap but we were actually looking for that as we’d both love the challenge of creating a great outdoor entertainment area.
I should be really excited but all I feel is blah! Buying a home was really a way for us to get away from renting which at our age is a complete waste of money.
Anyway, part of the “blah issue” is exhaustion. I just can’t seem to generate a great deal of excitement for anything at the moment when I feel so tired and run down.
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