Once upon a time I had great dreams. But for one reason or another, which I could never really put my finger on, nothing ever came of those dreams and they quietly drifted away.
Except they didn’t really.
I always felt this vague sense of frustration. And an annoying sense that one day I would achieve something, despite all evidence to the contrary.
And then I learnt the key, for me anyway, to move forward.
Action. If I want something I need to take action.
Now I thrive on action. And not just “keeping busy” kind of action, but taking steps toward what I want.
As I reflect I realise that is always how I’ve been. Simply … this is who I am. I have dreams and I will always have dreams and I will always organise my life around making those dreams, or whatever part I can manage, come true.
The real issue is that not all people are like me. And quite often when people talk of dreams they are only dreams and in reality they have no intention of pursuing those dreams at all.
I’m not suggesting this is a bad thing – I have nothing but the greatest respect, and quite a bit of envy, for people who are happy and content with their lives the way they are right now.
It’s just that is not who I am.
My partner is a person who is content with now. And I’m a person who takes action.
You can just see the collision course … but it’s always a surprise when it happens.
But how can I be other than who I am?
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