Weekends are all much the same in my life.
I try to make them an exciting bastion of fun and relaxation, but, not so much.
Particularly not in the summer.
Summer on the Gold Coast is hot, steamy and just plain uncomfortable. By the time I do my chores – shopping, housework and whatever errands I have to run the day is usually mostly over.
Add trying to have a relationship with the various and sundry stakeholders in my life and things become actually quite stressful, which is amazing as it’s a period when I’m meant to be focusing on being stress free.
I went to the doctors today for something totally unrelated and found out my blood pressure is too high.
Oh my god. Just what I don’t need, physical issues.
Anyway, the point is that life is really kind of hectic.
The other point is that maybe I need to take steps toward change, with my day to day routine that is.
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