Lately I’ve been feeling alternatively very happy and very overwhelmed.
Which feeling is predominant in any given day appears to be decided simply by my attitude. If I’m feeling stressed then I worry. If I’m feeling in control I feel happy and excited. In both cases I’m usually visualising – thinking about what might happen – except one is happy and energising and the other is worrying.
It’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I can admit that I’m responsible for my own feelings. For years I’ve mouthed the words but without a real understanding I think.
How I choose to react in any given circumstance is my own choice, irrespective of how or what other people do or don’t do and say.
I have total control of how I respond. And how I view the ‘event’ is totally reliant on my attitude, which again is totally dependent on my thoughts. If I control my thoughts, or as is more accurate for me, my daydreams, directing them toward positive and happy outcomes, then I control my attitude and that aids in control of my emotions.
For instance; When we first signed the contract on the house I felt scared and overwhelmed. Buying a house is a fairly large commitment and doing so with a partner can be very challenging. I immediately conjured all the potential things that could go wrong between us and, of course, as a result we ended up having a fight (although it wasn’t just me doing this I’ll have you know).
In the end I told my partner that every time I got ‘wiggy’ during this process he was to give me a hug and say “it will be all right”. It’s a simple thing but it’s enough, for both of us. I get the reassurance I need and he gets to help me and feel in control, which is what he needs.
And then we talk about how great it’s going to be to live in our new home.
It’s all just simple tricks to keep our thoughts and attitude focused on the outcome. Buying a house, not to mention moving, is a stressful and uncomfortable process though most people will agree the end result is totally worth it.
I like being in charge of my attitude more. I love to be happy; even better, I love to feel content.
Very few companies r woikrng and worried abt out flow of employees.Now a day even the canadiates going for interview . . .