I think I’ve officially reached the spot in my life when I’m no longer effective.
I keep making mistakes. I hate making mistakes.
Plus, I just cannot seem to focus on anything. Even the most basic of tasks seems beyond me.
I’m just plain stressed out!
Getting through each day is a bit of a mission. Achieving anything extra, be it exercise or work, seems like such a mammoth task.
I’m not sleeping well, my relationships are suffering, my body feels achy and sore and I just feel really … bad.
There is just too much going on for me to cope with.
I keep thinking it will be all right once we’ve moved, but I think that might be a fantasy. Once we’ve moved, well then we’re in a whole new house, one that we’re planning on renovating, so not relief there. Plus I would like to go to New Zealand shortly afterwards so again, no relief there.
I need to find a way to manage my stress levels.
Great – something else to do!
That’s a slick answer to a chlinengalg question