I feel very unhappy at the moment and really think that just getting through the day is a big enough challenge.
I admit that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. I simply cannot cope any more.
I’m taking steps to deal with these feelings – getting some exercise, trying to relax, eating well, that sort of thing – but really its going to be a case of wait until it passes.
I don’t know how long that will be.
Until then I’m going to keep in touch with my goals and dreams by visualising, maybe doing some little bits and pieces when I can. And probably blogging here. It seems pointless as I’m not following through with any actual work but I guess that’s how it rolls at the moment.
It’s more important that I don’t “loose the plot” entirely. As it is I’m struggling to get through any task without wanting to dissolve into tears.
Its funny that taking a break from working on my business is just adding more stress to the situation.
I feel like I’m letting myself down.
It can’t really be helped right now though. I just have nothing left to give.
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