I came home last night feeling anxious, unsettled and unloved.
I got home and my partner had cooked me dinner including all my very favourite things, my good friend had posted me a cheque for $800 and my Mother had posted me a book about gardening, another project I’m taking on right now.
Looking at that now I wonder how I managed to hold onto my stupid funk, but I did. I love all these people and I’m so grateful for everything that comes into my life, but sometimes things are just off. And when you feel crappy that’s pretty much how you want to feel.
So that’s what I did. I basically sulked and moped and felt bad.
And sometimes that’s just what’s needed. If you feel bad just let it be. Feel the feeling and let it happen. Sleep on it.
Thoughts are the enemy here and I made a specific effort to control those thoughts, well, turn them off altogether. So I played a mindless game and got talking to my friend about her project. Helping someone else turned out to be a great tonic. I still felt bad but also had a little glow of having been successful, even if not in my own life.
This morning I feel much happier, more in touch with what I want. Sure the reason I felt bad in the first place is still there but really I think that it’s not so much of a big deal.
I choose to feel happy. Well at the moment anyway.
Home run! Great sligugng with that answer!