I was one of the many, many people who watched The Secret and had a personal epiphany. In case you don’t know about The Secret, it’s a movie about the Law of Attraction popular in 2007 – 2008. The movie is an introduction to the science of thought.
For me The Secret was just a light bulb being lit in my mind. For the longest time I’d been striving for success and consistently failing. I thought this meant that I was a complete failure but in reality the real problem was that I had no real idea of what success meant to me. I mean seriously, you can’t navigate to a destination unless you actually know where it is.
Of course I did have one clear, overriding goal; to loose weight. From there it was a bit hazy; massive wealth was a given, but other than that, not so sure. But, you know, loose weight first. After all fat people are not successful.
The science of thought basically, very basically, says what you think about and give your focus to, you attract into your life. If you’re worrying about something you bring it closer. Equally if you’re planning something with excitement you bring it closer.
I’ve been studying and working with the science of thought in one way or another for a few years now and it’s very powerful. For a start I’ve gotten really clear about where I want to be, and as important actually taken some steps toward getting there.
My other reading with regard to fat acceptance is causing some issues for me though. It’s a subject that I’m very passionate about. I’m constantly shocked at the treatment people who are fat are experiencing and it’s made me much more aware of that same treatment in my own life. To the point where I’m projecting that treatment into all sorts of interactions. For instance the other day I was walking up the street and a couple, the mother pushing a pram, were walking toward me. I stepped off the pavement and thought “I bet they’re thinking, yeah, you move your fat ass”. But in reality they were chatting away to each other and probably didn’t notice me at all.
The problem is that I fear the judgements and discrimination. Because I fear them I think about them and I wonder all the time when it’s going to happen. I’ve accepted that I’m a victim of fat discrimination. And what you think about you attract into your life.
This is not something I want to attract into my life. On the contrary I want free of those thoughts because they’re enormously corrosive.
How to do it is a bit of an issue.
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