I’ve been doing lots of studying over the last few years predominantly in the science of thought or the science of success. I’m currently doing the 6 Minutes to Success program which consists of coaching videos from Bob Proctor.
Today my video was about positive thinking. Which, is not really a surprise since I’ve been feeling really down over the last couple of days. Really lonely although I’m surrounded by people. And part of that issue is positivity.
I don’t complain. Well, OK, I do, because I’m about to complain now, so let me rephrase.
Complaining about something is focusing on that thing, and, if you focus on something long enough then you attract it into your life. I believe this. This is the basis of law of attraction and success training and even things like CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). They’re all very different things that are aimed at harnessing the power of thought.
So I don’t complain about things that I don’t want to bring into my life. There are a lot of good things in my life and I prefer to see them than the negative. For a start I feel so much better when I can see the good in stuff.
But we live a news world. It dominates our lives. Not just news either; gossip is another key element and really it’s the foundation of social media. When you think about it Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and whatever are people talking about other people and what’s happening in the world.
Which is good, but we live in a news world. We’re all taught to view the world as a soundbite; take the soundbite, the snippet of information and pass it on. Equally pick up other soundbites of information that other people pass you, then pass it on again. Again there’s not much issue with that.
But, you can tell the people who watch the news because the soundbites you get are almost always negative. The news teaches us that we should pass on bad things that happen; warnings. This happened to me, that happened to my friend, oh my god this is going to happen, protect yourself, protect yourself.
The exciting things in life are the pitfalls and dramas that make up day to day life.
And gossip of course, which is not much better. The underlying message of gossip is people are watching and people are judging so be perfectly like us or watch out! People are judging and we judge that stuff bad!
The really frustrating thing is that people are not really interested in the happy soundbite, the one that says, hey, my life is great. And I’m as guilty of this as the next person. Sometimes when people tell me the wonderful things that are happening in their life I feel so jealous. I can’t help but compare to what’s happening in my life, usually unfavorable. And ironically I do this even if I’m feeling good about what’s going on for me.
Mostly I don’t talk about what’s happening in my life. I won’t do the negative soundbite, and when people pass them to me I say “that’s interesting” and let it go. And that leaves me with little to talk about. Sometimes I end up feeling quite amazingly isolated.
I would like very much to clear those feeling. To let go of them forever. As Bob Proctor said in this mornings clip the less we listen to negative stories the less we have then told to us. Conversely the more we hear positive stories and the more we react to the those stories with positive reactions the more they will come into our lives.
And that’s what I want. I want to hear positive uplifting things that make me feel positive and uplifted rather than sad and lonely.
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