I’ve been listening to Abraham Hicks CDs, which I do from time to time and it’s prompted me to start a new project. But reading back through what I wrote I’m finding it’s all very non-specific. So what exactly do I mean?
I keep striving toward this PLACE where everything is just the way I want it. For the longest time that meant thin. When I’m thin, then I’ll have a fantastic relationship, my own home, travel the world and so and on and so forth. For various reasons I’ve let go of the fantasy of being thin and switched my attention to building an online business.
Lately I’ve realised that it’s still the fantasy of being thin, or the fantasy of being rich, or the fantasy of being popular, or any number of fantasies. And it’s completely not the point.
I’m focusing on some point in the future and going “then I’ll be happy” or words to that effect.
Abraham-Hicks teaching is all about the necessity to be happy now. Right now, with whats happening in your life right this minute. Its about finding new ways to look at what is going on and where I’m going and finding ways to think that generate good feelings. Its the good feelings that attract good things into our lives. And, well, feeling good just flat out feels good.
How would it feel to achieve my dream? How would it feel to be in Paris, to be sitting in a cafe sipping, well not coffee because I really don’t like coffee, but sipping something and pecking away at my laptop knowing that I was working. That what I was doing, the hour I’d spent focusing on my business was enough to keep it ticking over and generating more money than my previous salary and that I could effortlessly take the time to explore Europe and still be financially secure.
Let me tell you – it wouldn’t feel bad!
It would feel fantastic. It would feel so exciting and I’d be so proud, so grateful and so, so happy. Sometimes I think of this stuff and I just feel so overwhelmed with emotion I just cry.
And that’s the energy I want to bring into my life now. Abraham repeats over and over the same message about manifestation, change, everything really. Feel good. Go through your day feeling good. See the things that make you happy. Disregard the things that do not. And focus on what you want. It’s the same message over and over again.
So that’s my challenge. Feeling good. Feeling good about where I am right now. Feeling excited about the future, which is not hard, but also grateful for where I am now, which is a bit more difficult.
They are my two challenges. 1) Get really specific about what I want in my life and 2) Feel good about whats in my life right now.
How do I do that exactly?
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