I’ve never really paid much attention to global warming, pretty much assuming that I have enough to worry about adding a vague sort of dread that I’m contributing to the destruction of the world every time I drive my car.
That said, I’d have to live in a cave not to know that things are pretty dire in some parts of the world, including Australia.
I just watched this great TED talk about desertification of the worlds grasslands, more particularly, how to change that ongoing process. This a remarkable story of a simple, natural process that will reverse much of the desertification and reduce carbon emissions significantly.
Just amazing. Watch below.
all deserts are bad. Instead, Savory is ccoenrned that humans are creating more deserts because of poor land management practices.Savory was a long-time advocate of mainstream views of land management, until he came to realize mainstream practices were causing horrible problems. He has seen first hand in Africa how improper land management has created desert areas, and using cutting-edge techniques he has been was able to reverse the desertification of some areas.The second link has a lot of links to information that is really old. Why nothing new?Savory talks about restoring micro-climates. There is scientific research to suggest that micro-climates have an effect on the overall climate.There is plenty of scientific research to support many of the other claims Savory is making, and I know people who are practicing holistic land management to successfully restore land.There are plenty of good things Savory is saying, so be careful not to throw out the baby.